iPhone 4 Vapor KATAKANA Edition Limited!!
『Vapor katakana edition Limited』は、ELEMENTCASE INC. CEOであるJeff Sasaki氏によってデザインされた、Vapor初の日本限定モデルです。 このVapor限定モデルは、アメリカと日本を融合させ、カタカナの表現を取り入れた、珍しいデザインです。また、『Vapor katakana edition Limited』の一つ一つには、 シリアルナンバーと"element case jpn mod"という文字が刻印されており、一目で日本限定モデルと解るフレームとなっています。
"Vapor Katakana Edition Limited" is a Japan limited edition of ELEMENT CASE designed by Jeff Sasaki, the CEO of ELEMENTCASE INC., to celebrate the launch in Japan. This valuable limited edition has Katakana printed on VAPOR to prove the integration of USA and Japan. Each "Vapor Katakana Edition Limited" will have a serial number and a recognizable symbol of Japan Limited Edition on each frame printed as "element case jpn mod". The color of the surface is matte black, and the whole case is bead blasted. The cap (right side) will look very unique with the Katakana print as an accent. The serial number that proves that this product is limited will be printed on the left side. "Vapor Katakana Edition Limited" will be released in limited quantity, only available through our website. The price will be 14,800 yen including tax. Only credit card and Pay Pal is acceptable, and shipping charge is 2,500 Yen to all areas.
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